In our final segment exploring the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (ACRL Framework), we'll discuss the last two frames.
FRAME 5: Information Creation as a Process
Information is created for a variety of purposes, and while some purposes might align with a researcher’s needs, others do not. Researchers must learn to gauge the fitness of information and understand that the context in which a scholar shares their knowledge might impact how others perceive their authority.
See this Frame in Action
Use this Frame in Your Courses
FRAME 6: Information Has Value
Value has multiple meanings when it comes to information. Some value is monetary, which requires purchase for access and can put restrictions for use in place. At other times information’s value can be found in its contribution to knowledge and/or our learning. A third form of value is information’s ability to persuade. Topics in this frame include intellectual property, copyright, and plagiarism.
See this Frame in Action
Use this Frame in Your Courses
If you missed previous articles in this series, catch up on them here (work backwards through the issues). And for more information on the ACRL Framework and how to include information literacy skill-building in your classes, visit the Information Literacy Knowledge Library website.
Searching by Biblical Passages in Atla
Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials is one of Buhl’s most popular databases, used for all levels and aspects of religious studies. And one of the best things about this database is how easy it is to search for resources on a specific passage of scripture. There is not one, not two, but three different ways to do this. Watch this tutorial to learn them all!
What are Microfilm and Microfiche?
Sometimes old technology is the only option! Nowadays, most articles or periodicals can be found online somewhere, somehow. But there remain a select few that have never been digitized or aren’t widely accessible. Some of these that Buhl’s researchers need are instead available on microform.
Microform is a means of reproducing large amounts of content at a microscopic scale on film. It may come in the form of microfilm, on reels, and microfiche, on sheets. These are inserted into a reading machine, and the user scrolls through to find relevant sections.
A microfilm reel
Before computers, microfilm and microfiche were an ideal option for archiving newspapers, periodicals, and other content, saving space and also permanently preserving content that might be delicate or easily damaged. One microfilm reel might hold 2400 pages of content, and a sheet of microfiche might hold up to 100 pages.
A microfiche sheet
At Buhl, there are about 60 titles still held on microform that are not available to our users otherwise. These include the Allied News local newspaper, for which this is the only existing archive, and periodicals like the Atlantic Monthly and New Testament Studies for years before our online database coverage kicks in.
Microfilm/microfiche reader setup
If you find something in the catalog that is on microfilm or microfiche, you can experience this classic technology firsthand! Ask at the desk and a librarian will assist you.
For more on the history of microform in libraries, try this article.
The student workers at Buhl Library have a few summertime reading suggestions for you!
Some of these books can be found in the campus libraries, and all are readily available from your favorite bookseller.
Note: the Curriculum Library is closed over the summer. If you wish to borrow something over the break, be sure to check it out on May 9th at the latest.
It’s time for Buhl Library’s Summer Reading 2024!
We want to see all of the amazing places you are reading this summer! Each week we will highlight the travels of our GCC community on social media. Whether you are in your own backyard or around the globe, send us a picture of you and what you’re reading at your location. Use this form to submit your photo anytime between Monday, May 20th and Sunday, August 25th. Submit as often as you like! One photo per submission please. Each submission will enter you into our prize drawing to be held in late August. Have a great summer, everyone!
Library Software Upgrade Summer 2024
Upgrade Reminder
The college libraries will undergo a major software upgrade in late July. The new system will host all of the library's data about collections, checkouts, course reserves, and more. The online library catalog will also be upgraded.
If you will be using the library during the summer, whether in-person or online, have no fear! You can expect minimal disruption. Buhl Library will remain open during its regular summer hours, and access to the collections and online databases will not be impacted during the transition.
Click here for more information on the upcoming upgrade.
Attention, listmakers!
Do you save lists of titles under your account in the online catalog to keep track of your research, your summer reading wishlist, and more? When the library upgrades to the new library software system in late July, the online catalog will change and all saved lists in the current system will be lost unless you take action in advance. Before July 17, 2024, review your saved lists and print or copy the contents of any lists you want to keep. Click here for instructions.
Congratulations to the many soon-to-be graduates on campus—you did it!! And a special shout-out to the 6 Buhl Library student workers graduating this month. Thank you for all your hard work and the great times in the library. We wish you all the very best!
New DVDs!
In a recent campaign, students were invited to vote for the DVDs they’d most like to see added to the library collection. And now, based in part on that voting, a whole bunch of DVDs have just arrived on the Buhl Library DVD display shelves! Top vote-getters were Top Gun: Maverick, Dune, and Oppenheimer. Be sure to stop by and pick up something new for movie night!
What's New?
Here is a sampling of new resources in Buhl Library. Be sure to also check out the new book display in the library lobby.
Hover over a book's title to view a summary.
Candy Bar Sales Reach The Goal!
Thank you for your love of chocolate in support of a good cause. Buhl Library's springtime Daffin's candy bar sales raised over $600 in support of the Hopefield Children’s Complex in Grove City, helping local special needs children and their families. Those funds were enough to purchase everything on the organization's wishlist and more. Thanks to everyone who contributed!
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