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Faculty/Staff Library Newsletter

Alert. Research shows using the library improves students' grades. Recent studies found that attending instruction and using library resources, both in print and online, is correlated with higher GPAs (Scoulas & DeGroote, 2019, 2022). You can improve your students' learning with two easy steps: 1. Embed library instruction in your course. Talk to Amy or Kim before the semester to plan an instruction session or for suggestions on your research-based assignments. 2. Refer your students to reference any time. Librarians are readily available to help students find and use library resources, introduce effective research strategies, and more. Contact us.

April Book Talk!

What's New?


Here is a sampling of new resources in Buhl Library. Be sure to also check out the new book display in the library lobby.

Hover over a book's title to view a summary.

Collection of the Month: Architecture

Take a look some of the books in our collection about architecture.

Michelangelo, drawing, and the invention of architecture

by Cammy Brothers

Buhl - Oversized: Oversz NA2707.B78 B76 2008

A history of the Church through its buildings

by Allan Doig

Buhl - Open Stacks: NA4800 .D54 2020

The future of architecture, since 1889

by Jean-Louise Cohen

Buhl - Oversized: Oversz NA680 .C588 2012

Romanesque architecture : the first style of the European age

by Eric Fernie

Buhl - Oversized: Oversz NA390 .F47 2014

Monet & architecture

by Richard Thomson

Buhl - Oversized: ND553.M7 A4 2018

Cathedrals : masterpieces of architecture, feats of engineering, icons of faith

by Simon Jenkins

Buhl - Open Stacks: NA350 .J465 2022

New Faculty Publications

Professor of Economics Shawn Ritenour recently published The Economics of Prosperity: Rethinking Economic Growth and Development. In his latest work, Ritenour argues that economic prosperity is not monocausal. It is the happy consequence of a highly developed division of labor, taking advantage of an expanding capital structure, embodied in technically advanced capital goods, all wisely invested by entrepreneurs. All these sources of prosperity require the social institutions of private property and sound money to function well together, facilitating economic progress and human civilization.

Easter Break Hours

What's Your Favorite Spring Flower?
Daffodils: 22 votes (3.4%)
Hyacinths: 14 votes (2.16%)
Tulips: 608 votes (93.83%)
Other: 4 votes (0.62%)
Total Votes: 648

Candy Sale for Autism Awareness


We had our biggest year yet for our Autism Awareness Candy Fundraiser by selling 1,440 candy bars for over $800 in school supplies for a new sensory room at the Mercer School District!

Thank you to the CEC and Dr. Fecich along with everyone who purchased candy bars to help us make this possible!

Librarian Staff Professional Development

Pittsburgh recently played host to ACRL, a biannual conference for the Association of College & Research Libraries, where members of the academic library community from around the country meet to discuss research, trends, technology, and services. Several of our staff were able to attend various aspects of the conference. Librarians Amy Lister and David Roberts attended several educational sessions over the span of the 2-day conference and library director Barbra Munnell along with librarian Gretchen Maxeiner traveled there as well to speak with various vendors about library resources and materials.


Gretchen Maxeiner is currently serving as a reviewer on grant applications for the Catalyst Fund from Lyrasis, a non-profit membership organization serving libraries and other cultural heritage organizations, of which Grove City College is a member. This is her 4th year reviewing proposals.

When your assignment calls for academic or peer-reviewed academic journals and you're not sure if what you've found qualifies, Ulrichsweb is the perfect database to use!

What is Ulrichsweb?

Ulrichsweb is an easy-to-search source of detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals (also called serials) of all types: academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more.

What does it include?

Ulrichsweb covers more than 900 subject areas. Ulrich's records provide data points such as ISSN, publisher, language, subject, abstracting & indexing coverage, full-text database coverage, tables of contents, and reviews written by librarians.

You can access Ulrichsweb through the library's A-Z Databases or by using the link included here!


The Library Renovation Won An Award!

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