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HIST 143: World History 1

Use this guide to locate reference resources, books, journal articles, primary sources, and search strategies related to World History 1.

Finding Primary Sources Using Henry

Search for Primary Sources

1. Go to Henry.


2. Click on Advanced Search.


3. From this screen, add your search terms to one or more search boxes. Then, add the words primary source* to another search box.

All results will be primary sources OR include some primary source material.

Sample Henry search for primary sources.


How do I know if the source is all primary sources or just includes some primary source material?

The library indicates sources that are fully primary sources with a genre heading (see example here):

Search results screen that highlights the primary source genre/form.


Sources that have both primary and secondary material are marked with the phrase "Includes primary source material" in the Notes (shown here).

Henry Results screen showing "Includes primary source material" statement in the title notes.

Primary Sources Gallery

The Secret History of the Mongols

Olmec Art of Ancient Mexico

Primary Source Collections Available through Buhl

Primary Source Websites

NOTE: Some of these sites may contain links that are no longer available.