Securing permissions and subsequent copyright fees for coursepacks is the faculty member's and the department's responsibility.
Course pack creation does not fall under the library.
The library can help with:
Searching for the item(s) to determine if they are in the Annual Academic License that we purchase through the Copyright Clearance Center.
Adding necessary credit lines to add to Annual License items.
If your items are not in the Annual License, follow this procedure:
Search for the publisher or rightsholder and contact them for permission to use their material(s).
Note the class name, number of students in the class, and the term in which you are requesting usage along with the format (course pack)
Once permission has been secured make sure to note the source and add the permission line to your text
Send any invoices to your department for payment
Keep a file for your records
Repeat these steps for each time you reuse the item
Once all permissions have been secured and credit lines are added compile them for Print Services
Students will then purchase the course pack at the bookstore
The library is required by our agreement with the Copyright Clearance Center to report the usage of copyrighted material.
Please report to us the items used and the number of copies made so that we can complete our usage reports with CCC.
You will need to repeat this process each time you use the item (i.e., if you use the same course pack for subsequent semesters, you must seek permission each semester).
Use the 'RightFind Academic Search" feature to search for permissions.