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EXER 377 -- Research Methods in Exercise Science

Use this guide to identify a topic for research, develop your research design, and locate resources and strategies for your literature review.

Examples of an Annotated Bibliography

Need some help putting together an annotated bibliography?

Here are some examples of an annotated bibliography. Source:  Feinberg, R. 2002. Bilingual education: a reference handbook. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.

Check out Cornell University's page on How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography for more info!


Krashen, S. January 1999.  Condemned without a trial: Bogus arguments against bilingual education.  Portsmouth, NH:  Heinemann. 

Krashen presents an analysis and refutation of five myths surrounding bilingual education.  His emphasis is on major issues of the debate prior to passage of California’s Proposition 227; among them are the relationship between bilingual education and the Hispanic dropout rate, immigrants who succeeded without bilingual education, and language policy in other countries.

Lemberger, N. 1997.  Bilingual education: Teachers’ narratives.  Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 

Lemberger presents narratives from eight experienced bilingual and English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers in New York, California, and Illinois that illustrate what it's like to be a bilingual teacher on a day-to-day basis. The teachers’ language backgrounds included Russian, Haitian-Creole, Cantonese/Mandarin, Vietnamese, and Spanish.

Stepick, A. 1998.  Pride against prejudice:  Haitians in the United States.  Needham Heights, MA:  Allyn and Bacon. 

Stepick illuminates important aspects of the realities of Haitian life in south Florida, thereby giving voice to members of that community, and helping to dispel negative stereotypes about them.

Journal Articles: 

Bernal, J.J.  An historic perspective of bilingual education in Texas.  The Journal of the Texas Association for Bilingual Education 4, no. 1. 

This chronicle by a former state senator of the evolution of bilingual education legislation in Texas includes a description of the major factors supporting its enactment in 1969.


Hodgkinson, H. 2001.  Educational Demographics: What teachers should know.  Educational Leadership 58, no. 4. 

Hodgkinson describes the impact of shifting demographics on the student population in the United States, and how those changes affect teachers and students.

Articles/Chapters in Books: 

Jenks, F.L. 1997.  The quest for academic legitimacy:  Building for language program entry into institutional and community infrastructures.  In M.A. Christison and F.L. Stoller, eds., A handbook for language program administrators.  Burlingame, CA:  Alta book Center Publishers. 

Jenks argues that Intensive English Programs must act as full partners in education if they hope to be treated as such, and suggests ways to reach that goal.



Council of the Great City Schools. (n.d.). CGCS: Home. Retrieved from

This is the organizational home for large urban school districts. The organization's policy documents and other information on bilingual education is periodically updated. See their statement on Proposition 227 for an example of their holdings.


Genzuk, M. (2011). Center for multilingual multicultural research. Retrieved from

This University of Southern California site features an excellent clipping collection, especially on California's Proposition 227. The site includes multiple links to resources on language rights, language policy, research, training programs for paraprofessionals, and teacher-training sites.