or put in "quotation marks"
Example: The King James Version of the Bible was originally published in 1611.
Example: The NIV Study Bible includes an introduction to each book of the Bible.
Example: (2 Cor. 5.17)
Example: (New International Version, Gen. 3.15)
Example: (Gen. 3.27)
Here are some examples for citing print and online editions of the Bible:
Zondervan NIV Study Bible. Kenneth L. Barker, general editor, full rev. ed., Zondervan, 2002.
The English Standard Version Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments with Apocrypha. Oxford UP, 2009.
New International Version. Biblica, 2011. BibleGateway.com, www.biblegateway.com/versions/New-International-Version-NIV-Bible/#booklist.
** Information taken from MLA Handbook, 9th ed., 2021, section 6.25.