Psychology Research

Citing Data Sets

Citing Data Sets (found online) in APA Style

Note: Use these examples to guide you, but you should consult your style manual and/or your professor for additional guidance.

Example 1:

Circled 1 icon Pew Social & Demographic Trends Project. Circled 2 icon (2011). Circled 3 icon December 2011 youth and economy survey Circled 4 icon[Data file and code book]. Retrieved from Circled 5 icon 

Example 2:

Circled 1 icon Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Circled 2 icon (2014). Circled 3 icon National longitudinal survey of youth 1997 cohort, 1997-2011 (rounds 1-15) Circled 4 icon [Data file]. Circled 6 icon Chicago, IL: National Opinion Research Center, The University of Chicago.


Circled 1 icon Author/Researcher | Circled 2 icon Year Published |  Circled 3 icon Title of Data Set/Study | Circled 4 icon  Description of the Format of Information | Circled 5 icon URL | Circled 6 icon Producer of Study & their Location

** These examples have been adapted for use by GCC staff and faculty.