ILL & Doc Delivery

To Request a Book

  1. Check Discovery to confirm that we do not own or have electronic access to the book you need. We will NOT request items that we already own (see Restrictions section below for exceptions).
  2. Complete and submit the Book Request (ILL) form.

  3. You will receive an email from Mrs. Shaw when your item(s) are ready for pick up.

Only current GCC students, faculty, and staff, and Emeritus Faculty may use Interlibrary Loan. Town patrons and retired GCC faculty and staff may use the public library for this service.

Books usually take 7 to 10 days to arrive.  Times are approximate; some books may take longer to arrive.   Don't wait until the last minute to do your research!


  • We will NOT order a book that Buhl Library owns unless the item is listed as missing OR if an electronic item is missing page numbers crucial for citations.
  • We will NOT order textbooks for a class.  
  • We will NOT borrow items to put on reserve in our library.
  • The Interlibrary Loan Code does NOT permit us to request NEW books (i.e., published within the past nine months).
  • If items are in the public domain or found free online, requests for the hard copy may be denied.
  • Most libraries do not lend audiovisual materials, eBooks, reference books, reserve books, rare or valuable materials such as manuscripts or old frail books which are difficult to replace, or material in high demand at the lending library.

Additional Note:

  • You may request the renewal of a book only once; the lending library reserves the right to deny any renewal request.

Need a book that the library does not have access to?
Submit your request here:

Book Request (ILL) Form



Please note:  A fine of $1.00 per day with 1 DAY OF GRACE is charged for all overdue Interlibrary Loan items. Other late fees and charges for damage and loss may be imposed by the lending library.    

We will not process any additional Interlibrary Loan requests until you return all due or overdue Interlibrary Loan items.

If your interlibrary loans accrue a combined fine total of $10 or more, all ILL borrowing privileges will be suspended until the fine has been paid in full and the library is informed of the payment.