Contains over 19,000 biographies of significant, influential, or notorious figures from American history written by prominent scholars. The American National Biography (ANB) is the successor to The Dictionary of American Biography (DAB).
Contains 60,000+ biographies of important British historical figures from the Roman era to the present day, with 11,000+ portraits
Large biographical database offering in-depth biographical profiles as well as journal articles, images, interviews, obituaries, and more. Covers 500,000+ people with 36,000+ images.
eBook collection of 400+ encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, and literary companions across many research areas.
If you are looking for books on the life of a person,
search using the subject heading "Biography" or "Biographies."
You can search both terms simultaneously by using Biograph*.
eBook collection supporting literary studies, including the Critical Insights series focused on individual authors, works, and themes.
eBook series of 800+ volumes covering the lives, works, and importance of writers from around the world.
Full-text collection of journals, books, and reference works, as well as study guides and videos to support literary studies.