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Poverty in the U.S.: ED 202

Explore Census Data.Gov

Explore Census Data

The Census Bureau is the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy.

kids count

KIDS COUNT is a project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation and a premier source of data on children and families. Each year, the Foundation produces a comprehensive report — the KIDS COUNT Data Book — that assesses child well-being in the United States. 


Model-based Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) for School Districts, Counties, and States

The U.S. Census Bureau’s Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates program produces single-year estimates of income and poverty for all U.S. states and counties as well as estimates of school-age children in poverty for all 13,000+ school districts.   The main objective of this program is to provide estimates of income and poverty for the administration of federal programs and the allocation of federal funds to local jurisdictions. In addition to these federal programs, state and local programs use the income and poverty estimates for distributing funds and managing programs.

tip:  use the SAIPE Interactive Tool  

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Future Ready PA Index -- The index moves beyond a single, summative score to increase transparency around school and student group performance –it features a dashboard approach to present data and information. The Future Ready PA Index illustrates student and school success via three color-coded categories: academic performance, student progress, and college and career readiness.  The index also contains district demographics including safe schools reporting, district financials and links to PA Special Education Data Reporting. 

Pennsylvania State Data Center --- Use the PaSDC Dashboards to locate the latest official data files related to population & economic statistics.

EdNA  -- Search Educational Entities