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HIST 144: World History II

Use this guide to locate reference resources, books, journal articles, primary sources, and search strategies related to World History II.

Best Places to Start your Research

Use Buhl's Discovery Service to find articles, books, ebooks, & videos.

Trouble finding somewhere to start?  Try

Helpful Series

Access overviews and identify important keywords.

To find your topic in these series, follow these easy steps.

  1. Go to Henry
  2. Select 'Series' from the drop-down menu.
  3. Type in one of the series listed below.

Highlighted Series:

  • Very Short Introductions
  • Greenwood Histories of the Modern Nations
  • Cambridge Illustrated History
  • Historical Dictionaries of ...
  • Blackwell Companions to ...

Not sure where to start?

Try thinking outside the box. Here's how.

  • Search for Synonyms.
    How might someone else describe your topic.
  • Think about Geography.
    Where do these events take place or what larger geographic context do the events fit into?
  • Look at Time Period.
    Where do these events fit into history? Ancient, medieval, pre-modern, etc.
  • Other Related Topics.
    Are there any related civilizations, people, events, etc. that may give you more insight into your own topic?

When you've read up on your topic and have a list of keywords,
you can move onto Finding Books.

Additional Resources by Topic