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Research Basics

Find Books by Title/Author

Basic Search

1. Go to Henry.


2. Search for a Title, Author, or Topic of interest. 
Tip: you can use the options provided to limit your search to the title, author, or subject if you have too many results.

Any items owned by GCC's libraries will appear in your results.

  • All copies will have a library, shelving location, and call number. Click here for help.
  • Whether the item is available or checked out will also be listed. 

Advanced Search

Advanced Search

1. Go to Henry.


2. Click on Advanced Search.


3. From this screen, you can add multiple terms, search by item type or shelving location, and limit by library, date, and/or language. 

Henry advanced search with keywords and DVD limiter, while other options are highlighted.

Any items that meet your search requirements will appear in your results.

  • All copies will have a library, shelving location, and call number. Click here for help.
  • Whether the item is available or checked out will also be listed. 

Primary Sources

Search for Primary Sources

1. Go to Henry.


2. Click on Advanced Search.


3. From this screen, add your search terms to one or more search boxes. Then, add the words primary source* to another search box.

All results will be primary sources OR include some primary source material.

Sample Henry search for primary sources.


How do I know if the source is all primary sources or just includes some primary source material?

The library indicates sources that are fully primary sources with a genre heading (see example here):

Search results screen that highlights the primary source genre/form.


Sources that have both primary and secondary material are marked with the phrase "Includes primary source material" in the Notes (shown here).

Henry Results screen showing "Includes primary source material" statement in the title notes.

Literary Criticism

Search for Literary Criticism

1. Go to Henry.


2. Click on Advanced Search.


3. From this screen, add your search terms to one or more search boxes. Additional tips are listed below.

An advanced search for the Sound and the Fury in both the notes and title fields.

Use truncation.

  • Enables you to search for many words at the same time.
  • Ex: Searching for poe* will find results that include the terms poem, poems, poetry, and poet.

Search the Notes field. 

  • Searches the table of contents of anthologies of literature and criticism.

Use Subject Headings.

  • Searches for works that are about your topic, despite the keywords used.

Search synonyms.

  • Always search for multiple terms (ex: drama, theater, plays, etc.).