ED 203 Culturally Relevant Pedagogy


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Here are a few ideas for keyword searching -- some can be 'stand alone' and some you may want to combine with others to narrow your search. 

acculturation, intelligence tests, social aspects, bilingualism, bilingual, cross-cultural counseling, minorities--education, multi-ethnic schools, culture, study and teaching, minority students, educational anthropology, multiculturalism, test bias, pluralism, educational equalization, issues and perspectives, cultural pluralism, diversity, and educational sociology.

Amy's tips:

Think about your topic; what phrases or terminology stands out?  Use those keywords first!   If you don't find what you're looking for, look at your background reading and info for other phrases, persons of interest or even legislation to get you started. (even think of how you would #hashtag your topic?)

Use truncation!   if you are searching for books or articles relating to cultural pluralism, truncate cultur*  to see all results with the root word of culture -- such as cultural and culturally.  Use further limiters to limit to education, secondary education or your selected group of study.



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