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Library Assessment Plan

What is the Library Assessment Plan?

What is the Library Assessment Plan?

Henry Buhl Library’s Assessment Plan is a comprehensive document outlining the purpose, structures, resources, data policies, outcomes, and timeline of assessments. The assessments conducted are aligned with the mission, goals, and outcomes of the library and its instructional program, as well as the mission and objectives of Grove City College.

The Library Assessment Plan was developed and is continually maintained by Kim Marks.

Purpose, Theory, & Timing of Assessments


Continuous assessment provides the library with the opportunity to monitor and improve services, manage library collections, identify trends in users' needs, make improvements to student staffing, and promote library collections and services in furtherance of the library's mission to support the educational needs of the campus and the College's objective to promote academic development.



Our assessment efforts are driven by a desire to provide the best service, resources, and physical spaces to serve the diverse campus community at Grove City College. In terms of information literacy, assessments are used to look for indications of student learning, as well as the overall impact of library instruction in the majors and general education curriculum.



Assessment takes time, and time is a limited resource. In order to use our time wisely, assessments are conducted on a rotating basis and are spread across a number of library staff members and campus faculty.

To learn about the timing of particular assessments, visit the Library Resources, Services, & Space Assessment pages and/or Information Literacy Assessment pages.

Resources Consulted

Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Association of College & Research Libraries, 2015; infolit/framework.pdf (accessed August 4, 2017).

Hernon, Peter, Robert E. Dugan, and Candy Schwartz. Revisiting Outcomes Assessment in Higher Education. Westport: Libraries Unlimited, 2006.

Oakleaf, Megan. "Writing Information Literacy Assessment Plans: A Guide to Best Practice." Communications in Information Literacy 3, no. 2 (2009): 80-90 .

Suskie, Linda. Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide. Anker Publishing, Bolton, MA, 2004.

Tuisku, Connie. "Information Literacy Outcomes." Palm Beach State College Library. August 2006. Information%20Literacy%20Outcomes3.pdf.

University of Southern California Libraries. "USC Libraries Information Literacy Outcomes for Undergraduates." April 16, 2015.